How I've Launched 3 Businesses in 2 Weeks

3.23 min Read

At this VERY moment, I'm typing this on an airplane flying back from a self storage conference in Idaho.

The theme of this week is ACTION. I wrote about it on Tuesday night as I flew in without knowing where the conference would take me.

I'm now leaving the conference having launched a podcast, a YouTube channel recorded 8 episodes live and was able to land Brittany Arnason as one of those interviews.

NONE of that existed Tuesday night. Now it does.

I'll dive deeper into other examples of ACTION, but the TL:DR of it is --> Just START. You'll figure it out as you go.

If you haven't already, stop right now and check out the youtube channel and podcast we just launched

🎙️ Podcast

🎥 YouTube

It's just more JUICY content on exactly how to Start, Buy or Scale a business as told by people that are actually doing it.

There are two characteristics that are crucial to being a successful entrepreneur.

1) Recognizing a solution to a problem

2) The velocity of your action to providing that solution.

If you can just do those two things really well, you won’t just find success, success will find you.

With that said, it’s not always that easy.

Those of us with the entrepreneur gene live and breathe #1.

We see solutions to problems everywhere… mainly in the form of business ideas.

There’s never a shortage of those… ok, there's too many at times if i'm being honest.

That’s the first part. Seeing the problem. Having a solution. But then what?

That means nothing without action.

And not just doing something, but doing something FAST.

Don’t get that mixed up with being risky or reckless.

Fast action is being comfortable with iterations. Quick to experiment. Friends with failure. Passionate about your pursuit.

Once you’ve recognized your solution, the next question should be “is this something I want to pursue / have the bandwidth to pursue” and if the answer is “yes”, then your experiments should start.

That’s the ONLY way you’re going to get anywhere.

So what does this look like?

I’ll give you two real life, in progress examples from what I’m working on.

Example 1:

My wife’s a bookkeeper and runs the bookkeeping company we own.

Who am I kidding, she owns it. I’m just the pretty face…

Okay that’s a lie. She’s the pretty face… now I’m not really sure what I do 🤔

Back to the example: We saw an interesting opportunity with some of her clients. She works with start ups and small businesses of all kinds.

There’s a handful recently that were just getting going and didn’t really need a full service. They just needed to know specific things to do their books internally and then an end of year clean up.

They were also willing to pay.

The problem: Not big enough for a full bookkeeping service and just needing to be trained on a few things.

Solution: Offer a high quality LIVE bookkeeping training for clients to learn specific skills to manage their books internally. Provide the answers to their questions as a consultation call.

This discovery was made on a Thursday night of last week and officially launched by Monday.

This is what it looks like so far.

Here’s the flow:

  1. Free new client call
  2. Schedule the full consultation
  3. After the consultation client will be sent a recording of the call, transcript and main takeaways along with other resources
  4. Upsell services of monthly bookkeeping/ payroll and fractional CFO work.

If you need this service, check it out here

Example 2:

Find your first self storage facility course.

If there’s one area that I’ve spent the most time in over the last several years, it’s been in storage.

We have two properties and are looking for more.

During the building of my lead generation team, I’ve made TONS of Loom videos going over really specific trainings on HOW to find self storage facilities organically.

Problem 1: Finding a good self storage facility to buy is over half the battle. Once you a find good facility, the rest will follow.

Problem 2: I have a bunch of training just sitting there doing nothing when it could be monetized. I don’t like leaving anything on the table.

Solution: Put together a self storage 101 course using the training.

But here’s the deal, VELOCITY is the magic word here.

I could spend hours and hours creating a course; making it look amazing, polishing it to perfection… and then no one buys it and my content isn’t what anyone wants. Also still zero testimonials.


I could put it in the hands of a small group of people that are interested and willing to be a beta round/ first cohort.

They test it and then I iterate and adjust as I get feedback. Do that a couple times and by the time I really launch a course, it’ll be killer!

So that’s what I’m doing. I’ve got a couple rockstar guinea pigs that are willing and ready to go through it.

It’s a win win. They get the course for free, and I get feedback and hopefully proof of concept.

This is what I’m covering with them:

  • How to find self storage facilities to buy
  • How to value them quickly
  • What characteristics to look for in facilities worth buying
  • How to understand the market
  • How to identify competitors and your “rate runway”
  • Exact cold call scripts when speaking with sellers
  • Templates for lead collection and underwriting

And since you’ve read this far, I’ll pitch this to you as well.

If you want to be part of this first cohort and get all of this for free in its most raw beta form, reply back and I’ll get you all set up.

The takeaway here is that it takes BOTH of these characteristics.

If you’re just acting quickly but don’t have a solution, you’re wasting your time.

And if you have an awesome solution but you're not acting quickly, you’re wasting your brilliance.

Hope this helps.

Ready, fire, aim.

If you made it to the end, you're my kind of person. Thank you! You also might have an expertise worth sharing. If that's the case, I'd love to interview you on the podcast. Reply back and let's get something in the books

Until next time...

Stay in the fight,

My best tweet of the week:

My favorite tweet of the week:

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Sunday Doughnuts By Kevin Bell

One newsletter, all you need to start your business.

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